The System Folder cannot be put in the Garbage, because it contains the active system software.
%1%“^2”%Some of the selected items% cannot be put in the Garbage, because %1%it has the same name as a locked or unrenameable item%they have the same names as locked or unrenameable items% in the Trash. Do you want to delete %1%it%them% immediately?
The selection cannot be put in the Garbage, because a folder within is shared.
The folder “^1” cannot be put in the Garbage, because it is shared.
%1%“^2”%The selected items% cannot be left in the Garbage. Do you want to delete %1%it%them% immediately?
The item “^2” could not be deleted, ^1. Do you want to continue?
Items from 400K disks cannot be left in the Garbage. Do you want to delete %1%“^2”%the selected items% immediately?
%1%One item%Some items% could not be deleted because %1%it is%they are% locked. Do you want to delete the other items?
The Garbage cannot be dumped, because all of the items in it (other than folders) are locked. To delete locked items, hold down the Option key while you choose Dump Garbage.
Dump Garbage…
Dump Garbage
Items remaining to be deleted:
Preparing to dump the Garbage…
This command cannot be used on items in the Garbage.
The Garbage contains ^1 item%1%. It uses%s, which use% ^2 of disk space. Are you sure you want to permanently remove %1%it%these items%?
#1##^1 System File%1% is%s are% in the Garbage.
#1##^1 application%1% is%s are% in the Garbage.
^1 file%1%%s% and ^2 folder%2%%s% are in the Garbage#1#.# for a total of ^3.